About ME



With a background in fashion

Writing fluff is my passion;

Online is the way -

WTF –not an influencer I say,

So just to be clear

If you find yourself here,

My aim is to entertain

There’s no other gain,

Highbrow it’s not

But that doesn’t matter a jot,

If you want to decompress, to laugh, to be around those that think

That all around us is truly fab and not stink,

Then join us here to frolic and play

To reflect on the highs, lows and shit that happens each day.

After working in magazine publishing in London for many years on a number of lifestyle titles, I now work as a freelance writer. I’m also the mother of three (and I have to throw the cat in here for a mention also). Despite being scarily vacuous at times, I can hold my own when it comes to Mastermind. I love the famous five - fads, fashion, food, family and friends (not in that order). And I was doing the Miranda deaf voice a long time before Miranda was doing it.