Annoying Sh*t


Examples of annoying, yet not infrequent, occurrences.

1. Finding the one missing part of the board game you’ve been trying to find, for what feels like your entire life, a week after you’ve thrown the rest of the game out in despair.

2. Spending three days looking for an IPad that you absolutely know you put away safely, and then finally discovering it next to the washing machine, and remembering that you had actually put it down as you loaded the washer, and then totally forgot all about it. Then the penny drops that you had subsequently dumped the same washing – only this time it was wet - on top of the IPad, and now it is never going to work again.

3. The ultimate annoyance…wetting yourself totally out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever, in fact you didn’t even need a wee that much and you weren’t even laughing. Realising at this point that not only have your lady parts lost a certain amount of elasticity, and despite still having youth on your side, you possibly have the pelvic floor muscles of an 80 year old. Worse still you might be that person that in ten years time leaves a wet patch on the sofa when you stand up.